St. Mary's Residential Central School, Trivandrum, a Minority status Institution is a sister concern of the Thiruvalla St. Mary's Residential Public School, started in the year 1987 and affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The School Affiliation No: is 930157. The school is headed by Dr. Anila Sarosh (Recipient of All India CBSE Teachers Award 2008).
The aim of the school is not merely the academic education of the student. One of the earliest findings of the UNICEF is that the existing conventional system or education cannot cope with the needs of the nation. The development of the nation ultimately depends upon the system of education adopted. Man and women who possess knowledge, morality, intelligence, work experience and productive capacity are the nation’s best citizens. Learning for earning is postponed to a later stage. The main characteristic of the new thinking of education is that learning of KNOWLEDGE and learning to BE should go concurrently. "The main purpose of education” says Hubert Spencer “is not knowledge but Action". As a practical approach to this revolutionary theory the St. Marys Educational and Cultural Society, Thiruvalla, has adopted the 10+2 pattern of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi for the formation of the child to an upright citizen.
Our school strive to provide holistic, student centered, stress free learning environment and make every learner to be creative, innovative, confident to face all the challenges of life.
Children are our future: St. Mary's Residential Central School is dedicated to the success of all children.
with staff, students, parents and community.
a safe and congenial educational environment.
all students to achieve their full potential as life-long learners and
all students to be productive, responsible, integral, determined citizens with pursuit of excellence.
continuous professional development & capacity building of teachers by integrating with technology.
in students scientific outlook and transformative competencies to meet the growing demands of changing society.
From the Executive Director's Desk
The dynamics and parameters of education has gone through an unimaginable transformation over the years. The advent of technology has created a drastic change in the mindset of students. They are less dependent on their teachers who have now become co-leaners. In the past, the best became teachers. Today the best has gone to pursue other professions and the reasons are debatable.
Unlike in many parts of India, for parents in Kerala, Education is a lifetime investment as far as their families are concerned. I have always strongly believed that the recipe to a healthy society is an educated, employed and financially independant person.
There are vast numbers of service providers or Management who have sacrificed and still do for the sake of quality education.
True, delicate and dedicated all round balancing of all components is of utmost importance for the well being of the educational sector.
From the Principal's Desk
With the view to enable and equip the child to prepare for a worthy life, we are in our own humble way serving the people of Trivandrum particularly Poojappura and surroundings for the last 36 years.
St.Mary's Central School is an institution with a difference poised to take a fresh challenges leading the way to a better future and setting new standards in the field of education. The school always strives for quality and holistic development of a child in true sense. As a result of the ernest efforts of the stake holders - management, parents, teachers and students, the school has proven track record of laurels in both scholastic and coscholastic domains of education in the past and it still continues. Students are given equal opportunity to learn in safe and caring environment that promotes creative and intellectual thinking.
We are proud of our accomplishments of the past years, and committed to continously enhance our standards in academic and social well being.
1.Name of the School with address : ST.MARY’S RES. CENTRAL SCHOOL, POOJAPPURA, TVM
a. E mail:
b. Ph no: 0471 2355538
c. Fax no: 0471 2353352
2. Year of establishment of School: 1987
3. Whether NOC from State obtained: YES
a. NOC No: 6399/N3/95/G. Edn
b. NOC issuing date: 22/02/1995
4. Is the School recognized : Yes
5. Status of affiliation - Permanent / Regular/ Provisional: Provisional
a. Affiliation no: 930157
b. Affiliation with the board since: 01/04/1996
c. Extension of affiliation upto: 31/03/2029
6. Name of the Trust / Society/ Company regd. Under the section 25of the Company Act 1956:
St. Mary’s Educational and Cultural Society
Period upto which registration of the society is valid: Permanent
7. List of members of the school management commitee:
1. Dr. Anila Sarosh
2. Mr. Kumar Mohana G
3. Mrs. Maitreyi Rajesh
4. Dr. Ambili Paul
5. Mr. Rakesh N
6. Dr Parvathy Menon
7. Mrs. Soumya Babu H
8. Mrs. Neena V S
9. Mrs. Jessy Nair G K
10. Mrs. Padma Ganesh
11. Mr. P.J.Mathew
12. Mr. Jacob Varghese
13. Mr. Sunil Gopinath
14. Mr. M.Ramesh
15. Mr. Sasi Kumar R.S
16. Mr. Ajith Kumar R
8. Name of the Manager/ President / Chairman/ Correspondent :
Mr. Sarosh P. Abraham, Ph no: 0471 2355538, Fax no: 0471 2353352
9. Area of School Campus:
a. In acres : 2.36
b. In Sq. Mtr: 9550 Mtr. Sqr
c. Built up area : 5111.52 Sq. mtr
d. Area of Playground ( Sq. mtr ) : 4700 mts. Sq
a. Indoor games : Yes
b. Dance Room : Yes
c. Music Room : Yes
d. Labs : 6 (Physics -1, Chemistry -1, Biology -1, Computer -2, Maths - 1, Composite Lab-1 )
a. Own buses : 6
b. Bus hired on contract basis : NA
c. Details of transport charges :
11. Mode of payment of salary :
a. Name of the bank through which salary is drawing : India Overseas Bank, Poojappura, Trivandrum
b. Through single cheque / Tranfer advice : Single cheque
c. Individual Cheque : NIL
d. Cash : NIL
a. Size of the library : 213 Sq. mtr.
b. Periodicals : 20
c. Dailies : 5
d. Reference books : 852
e. Total Books : 8150
13. Name of the grievances and redressal officer with phone no: and email ID :
Dr. Anila Sarosh - 0471 2355538,
Mr. Abhilash A.S - 9847905516,
Mr. Satheesh - 9605143837,
Mrs. Jessy Nair - 9048267186,
14.Members of the sexual harassment commitee :
Dr. Anila Sarosh
Mrs. Chandrajyothy
Mrs. Sreelekshmi
15. Academic Session period :
Std I to XII : June to March
16. Vacation Period :
Std I to XII : April, May
17. Admission Period : Nov to May